The "signal", an object of the disciplined school and the pedagogy of silence
The new perspectives on the material turn in educational historiography enable us to study the objects deposited in education museums from different points of view. The Education Museum of the University of the Basque Country has, among others materials: notebooks, yearbooks, scientific objects, etc. An object in their permanent exhibition that is of didactic interest is a "sign" used in the schools run by the De La Salle Brothers.. The presence of this type of object means that we have to go beyond mere description and that they are useful to explain them as didactic objects of certain pedagogical methods (the traditional school). In the case of the "sign" to impose a pedagogy of silence. The methodological approach that we apply, known as "didactics of the object in the museum", is useful for making objects speak. It is a didactic material, which regulates the learning of certain subjects (reading or writing), as well as imposing order in the classroom, the main objective of Lasallian pedagogy. The context in which this object arises is an example of its usefulness as a didactic technology and as a way of organising school time and space. It should be emphasised that the results obtained with this type of approach enrich the museum narrative and allow visitors to gain direct knowledge of the sources used in history. It also makes possible a form of heritage education based on the multitude of objects that surround school experiences.
How to Cite
Signal, De La Salle, Didactics of the object
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