About the Journal

Papeles de Identidad. Contar la investigación de frontera is the journal edited by the research group Kontu Laborategia. Papeles de Identidad pursues three objectives: 1. to become a space of reference for the academic expression of theoretical and methodological proposals at the frontier of available knowledge in social sciences; 2. to deepen the empirical complexity of contemporary forms of identity and subjectivity; 3. to contribute, through a thoughtful process of selection, discussion and editing of texts, to nurture an academic life that prioritizes open discussion and quality. Papeles de Identidad succeeds Papeles del CEIC.

Current Issue

Monographic Issue coordinated by Sergio Andrés Cabello on "Empty Spain, emptied Spain: the identity and symbolic dimensions of peripherical regions" with original papers by Manuel Ahedo, Jaime Escribano Pizarro, Néstor Vercher Savall & Jaume Pla-Bañuls; Álvaro Sánchez-García & Maria Delgado-García; Enric Castelló ; Ángel Martín Gómez, Natalia Arcajo Fuentes, Israel Gómez Rodilla & Sara Galindo Pérez; & de Sofía Moreno-Domínguez. Those are completed by the critical review by Nahir Valentina Jiménez Rojas on the movies Alcarràs and As Bestas. The Research Article sections contains the works by del Pino Díaz, Orbegozo, Zarrabeitia, Larrondo and Alvarez, and by Santiago. The Inherited identity section includes this time a text by Baer. Finally, Critical Papers completes the issue with the text by Calvo Ugarte. 

Published: 02-04-2024


Single Topic Issues

The 45/2007 Law for the Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment: (Urban) Land Use Planning Instrument in Rural Areas?

Jaime Escribano Pizarro, Jaume Pla-Bañuls, Néstor Vercher Savall
Abstract 134 | texto (Español) Downloads 191

Page papel 291

Here's no place to live! The Electoral Success of the Empty Spain Candidatures

Álvaro Sánchez-García, Maria Delgado-García
Abstract 223 | texto (Español) Downloads 210

Page papel 292

Archeology of the Emptiness: a Journalistic Study (2016-2021)

Enric Castelló
Abstract 125 | texto (Español) Downloads 165

Page papel 293

Castilla y León, Abscence of Identity or Ghost of Absence?

Ángel Martín Gómez, Natalia Arcajo Fuentes, Israel Gómez Rodilla, Sara Galindo Pérez
Abstract 95 | texto (Español) Downloads 176

Page papel 294

Research Articles

Running to Build Collective Identity: Analysis of the Digital Footprint of #korrika22 on Twitter

Julen Orbegozo Terradillos, Enara Zarrabeitia Bilbao, Ainara Larrondo Ureta, Izaskun Alvarez Meaza
Abstract 131 | texto (Español) Downloads 194

Page papel 297

Existential concerns and supports. An investigation into vulnerability

Jose Santiago
Abstract 85 | texto (Español) Downloads 192

Page papel 298

Inherited Identity

An "apartheid" in the heads? Genocide as inherited identity

Alejandro Baer
Abstract 172 | texto (Español) Downloads 226

Page heredada 13

Critical papers

Monográfico coordinado por Denis Merklen sobre "La casa como un nido" con textos de Da Matta, Merklen, Semán, Girola, Gatti e Imaz, Aguiar, Montealegre y Rossal y Sotomayor. En Artículos de investigación se incluye el texto de Fraga. La sección Identidad heredada se alimenta en esta entrega de los trabajos de Martín Palomo y Paperman y Funes. Papeles Críticos se completa con dos textos escritos por Robles Elong y Raoul sobre el tema del monográfico, y otros dos sobre temática abierta por parte de Santamaría y Francescutti.

Online ISSN: 1695-6494