About the Journal

Papeles de Identidad. Contar la investigación de frontera is the journal edited by the research group Kontu Laborategia. Papeles de Identidad pursues three objectives: 1. to become a space of reference for the academic expression of theoretical and methodological proposals at the frontier of available knowledge in social sciences; 2. to deepen the empirical complexity of contemporary forms of identity and subjectivity; 3. to contribute, through a thoughtful process of selection, discussion and editing of texts, to nurture an academic life that prioritizes open discussion and quality. Papeles de Identidad succeeds Papeles del CEIC.

Current Issue

Monographic issue coordinated by Pablo Francescutti “Future identities”. It includes original papers by Lena Kugler, Ezequiel Gatto, Jimena Escudero Pérez, Lidia Merás, Esther Marín Ramos, and Massimo Leone. Those papers are followed by the critical review by Callejo on the book Big Data. Topología e investigación social, and by Cossia on Dígalo con memes. De la parodia al mundo digital. In the Research Articles section we offer original articles by Ríos-Infante, and Gil-Hernández. The section Inherited identity inclues in this issue a paper by Aranguren, Castro Vergara and Camilo. Critical papers also proposes a text by Fagundez Osa.

Published: 10-03-2025


Tomorrow, a vast repertoire of identities. Presentation

Pablo Francescutti
Abstract 28 | texto (Español) Downloads 17

Page presentación

Single Topic Issues

Inherited Identity

The identity of the youngest (ex)combatants

Juan Pablo Aranguren, María Clemencia Castro Vergara, Gloria Amparo Camilo
Abstract 91 | texto (Español) Downloads 48

Page heredada 14

Research Articles

Reconfigurations of trans* identity in waiting territories

Victoria Ríos-Infante
Abstract 39 | texto (Español) Downloads 13

Page papel 323

Signifying the People. Can the Social Majority be represented?

Roberto Gil Hernández
Abstract 52 | texto (Español) Downloads 20

Page papel 324

Critical papers

Online ISSN: 1695-6494