Papeles del CEIC 2022-1. Marzo
Monographic issue coordinated by Mónica Cornejo-Valle and Mar Griera on "Moral projects and new religious subjectivities in the public space" with texts by Albert Blanco, Cornejo-Valle and Blázquez-Rodríguez, García Martín, Esteso and Martín-Andino, Fernández González, and Vigna. The Fundamentales section includes the re-edition of a text by Bokser Liwerant. In the Artículos de investigación section texts by Dikenstein, and de Sepúlveda, De la Fabian, Pérez and De la Fuente are included. And the Identidad heredada section is fed in this issue with works by Francescutti and Gil Araujo.
Published: 05-04-2022
Moral projects and new religious subjectivities in the public space. Introduction
Abstract 391 | texto (Español) Downloads 601 | DOI
Page presentación
Religion and Public Space in Times of Globalization
Abstract 512 | texto (Español) Downloads 566 | DOI
Page papel 256
Single Topic Issues
Religious diversity, public policies and gentrification in Paris and Barcelona
Abstract 988 | texto (Español) Downloads 610 | DOI
Page papel 257
Strategic Secularism. A Semiotics of Catholic Relevance in the Public Space
Abstract 894 | texto (Español) Downloads 625 | DOI
Page papel 258
Catholic Deprivatization, Moral Policies and Neoconservative Associationism: the Case of Christian-inspired Lay Groups in Spain
Abstract 568 | texto (Español) Downloads 623 | DOI
Page papel 259
Religions’ strategic (in)visibilities in the city of Madrid
Abstract 374 | texto (Español) Downloads 477 | DOI
Page papel 260
Fervent habitus in the Sabadell Espronceda housing estate. How Pentecostal worship rearticulates ethnicity and increases personal and collective autonomy among Roma people
Abstract 490 | texto (Español) Downloads 554 | DOI
Page papel 261
“A door opened”. Seers, chosen ones, and mediums in contemporary religious settings (Salto, Uruguay and Girona, Spain)
Abstract 1362 | texto (Español) Downloads 599 | DOI
Page papel 262
Research Articles
The emergence of synthetic drugs as a pharmacopolitical event: endurance and plasticity
Abstract 798 | texto (Español) Downloads 601 | DOI
Page papel 263
“Crime steals my time and health”. The Community-Police Meetings as a scenario for the dramatization of victimization
Abstract 325 | texto (Español) Downloads 461 | DOI
Page papel 264
Inherited Identity
Becoming replicant: mutant identities in science fiction
Abstract 530 | texto (Español) Downloads 522 | DOI
Page heredada 5
Immigrant Presence, National Identity and Sexual Democracy in Europe
Abstract 479 | texto (Español) Downloads 592 | DOI
Page heredada 6
Critical papers
Bramadat, Paul, Griera, Mar, Martínez-Ariño, Julia, y Burchardt, Marian (Eds.) (2021). Urban Religious Events: Public Spirituality in Contested Spaces. Londres: Bloomsbury
Abstract 310 | texto (Español) Downloads 435 | DOI
Page papel crítico 81
Ramírez, Ángeles, y Mijares, Laura (2021). Los feminismos ante el islam. El velo y los cuerpos de las mujeres. Madrid: Catarata
Abstract 327 | texto (Español) Downloads 480 | DOI
Page papel crítico 82
VV.AA. (2011). Shahada. Documental
Abstract 289 | texto (Español) Downloads 433 | DOI
Page papel crítico 83
Díaz de Rada, Ángel (Ed.) (2021). Las formas del origen. Una puerta sin retorno al laberinto de las génesis. Madrid: Trotta
Abstract 350 | texto (Español) Downloads 542 | DOI
Page papel crítico 84
Urraco, Mariano (Ed.) (2019). De esclavos, robots y esclavas. Paisajes transmediáticos. Madrid: Catarata
Abstract 282 | texto (Español) Downloads 439 | DOI
Page papel crítico 85
Roiz, Ivan, y Priante, Álvaro (2020). El Círculo. Documental
Abstract 641 | texto (Español) Downloads 562 | DOI
Page papel crítico 86