143D, the underground audiovisual experiment in the face of platform commercialism
At the end of the 1990s and during the first decade of the 21st century, with the spread of domestic and semi-professional video cameras, audiovisual proposals were produced prior to the creation of online video platforms that grouped around the 143Delicias festival. This article analyses the dynamics of the festival in the light of the drift of audiovisual consumption in the current late capitalist system. It reviews the proposal of the beginning of the millennium in contrast to the overexposure and absorption of the audiovisual medium by the mercantilism of the platforms. 143D is characterised by direct socialisation and active group viewing, outside of cinemas or spaces dedicated to contemporary art, where video art is experienced in a shared way, without subordination to a closed or controlled value system. The projected pieces address social and political issues through humour, using aesthetics often close to video clips, without renouncing experimentation with the media, conceptualisation, quotation, appropriationism or questioning of the audiovisual medium itself.
How to Cite
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