Schooling in Spain and in the province of Jaén in the first half of the 19th century
The title of our research responds to the historical analysis of one of the plots that arouses the greatest interest: education.
The object of our work is the development of primary education in Spain, comparing with the one that is carried out in the province of Jaén in the first half of the 19th century. It is inserted within the studies of the history of education in contemporary Spain. The work has as its objective, more specifically the knowledge of the history of education in Spain, and in a particular way to the history of education in Ghent, in a period rich in educational rights.
It is also a work of historical research addressed from a gender perspective, which aims to discover, from the analysis of various sources, how was the access of women to schooling and to see the strong inequality in schooling and literacy of girls and children in Spain in the first half of the nineteenth century.
How to Cite
history of education, primary education, education of women, 19th century, Spain, Jaén
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