Primary education in Jódar in the first decade of the 20th century
The purpose of this work is to analyze primary education in the Jódar locality in the early twentieth century. It is inserted within the local studies of the history of education in contemporary Spain. The present study is made from the analysis of primary sources, such as the Acts of the Local Board of Primary Instruction of the town of Jódar, since they constitute the base and the primary source to reconstruct the history of Galdurian education. Some of the objectives that have guided our research have been: To look for the origins and the gradual development of the schooling process of boys and girls in the local area of the municipality of Jódar. Highlight the teaching work performed by teachers in favor of teaching. Present the life and activities of Galdurian public schools of both sexes at the beginning of the 20th century: schedules, calendars, public exams, visits, awards, etc.
How to Cite
History of Education, primary education, Jódar, 20th century
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