Legislation and educational practices in the 18th century
The process of arriving at a generalised education law for the whole of Spain was a long and difficult one. In this article we focus on primary education, as it provided initial education and covered the largest number of students. The process began with the creation of the Hermandad de San Casiano, which was originally a guild. The influence of Enlightenment thinking encouraged the conversion of this institution into an Academic College and later into an Academy of Primary Education. The War of Independence and the absolutist governments of Ferdinand VII prevented progress in legislation on educational aspects until the first Education Law was proclaimed for the whole of Spain in 1857. The more generalised school reality continued, as in previous centuries, to be based on private initiatives, both ecclesiastical and civil, although with a progressive intervention of the public authorities in all matters concerning school organisation.
How to Cite
legislation, education practices, 18th century, Spain, Education Law, 1857
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