The Basque from the Salazar Valley and the extent of the innovations in Northern Basque Country



Published 13-09-2021
Iñaki Camino


This study aims to combine the dialect distribution of Modern Basque proposed by Zuazo (1998, 2014) with Lakarra’s (2011, 2017) diagram of the first dialectal breakup of Old Common Basque. To do so, I analysed old texts dating from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. All texts belong to the Continental Basque Country; in addition, samples from the last two centuries were found in the Navarrese Pyrenees. To achieve my purpose, I also drew upon the description of the Basque dialect spoken in the Salazar Valley, located in northeast Navarre. The data collected from this region was examined with regard to the behaviour of the isoglosses within the continental Basque Country in earlier stages. In particular, I looked into grammatical determinants that may account for linguistic change; what geographical expansion model they showed and how far they got; likewise, I analysed what isogloss boundaries are recurrent and what innovations were transferred from the Pyrenees towards Navarre. I also embarked on a chronological classification of the various changes observed, suggesting what criteria might have determined the actual sequence of events. The results provide a better overview of the Basque dialect spoken in the Salazar Valley and Low Navarre. It is observed that the Basque spoken in Low Navarre has actually undergone change, which has spread towards Labourd. When in contact with other dialects, it shares features with that spoken in Labourd on the left, and with Soule on the right. Therefore, I could not argue that there is a pure dialect from Low Navarre that is clearly distinguishing from the Labourd and Soule dialects. On the assumption that Low Navarre and Labourd have converged recently, a future research hypothesis to test would be whether Low Navarre merged with Soule in earlier stages.

How to Cite

Camino, Iñaki. 2021. “The Basque from the Salazar Valley and the Extent of the Innovations in Northern Basque Country”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 50 (1/2):257-300.
Abstract 419 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 331


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