The sources of the 1720 Imitazionea: An initial approach / 1720ko Imitazionearen iturriak: lehen hurbilketa



Publicado 29-01-2025
Blanca Urgell


Jesus-Christoren Imitacionea. M. Chourio Donibaneco Erretorac escararat itçulia [The imitation of Jesus Christ, written and translated into Basque by M. Chourio], was published in Bayonne in 1720. 303 years later, this splendid work of classical Lapurdian remains neither unstudied nor critically edited.

Cómo citar

Urgell, Blanca. 2025. «The Sources of the 1720 Imitazionea: An Initial Approach / 1720ko Imitazionearen Iturriak: Lehen Hurbilketa». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 57 (1-2):907-50.
Abstract 44 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 16



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