Papeles del CEIC 2021-2. Septiembre
Monographic issue coordinated by Vicente Sánchez-Biosca and Lior Zylberman on "Perpetrators of mass crimes and images. Looks, identities and testimonies" with papers by Giordano, Zylberman and Taboada, Faure Bascur, Sánchez-Biosca, Morettin, Napolitano and Seliprandy, as well as a photographic exposition by Hernández-Salazar. Research Articles by Gurrutxaga, and Olarte-Sierra and Castro Bermúdez. Identidad heredada section with papers by Mezzadra and Callejo. Four Papeles críticos complete the issue.
Published: 05-10-2021
The continuity of the inherited (For Alfonso Pérez-Agote)
Abstract 593 | texto (Español) Downloads 390
Page nota del editor
Single Topic Issues
Perpetrators of mass crimes in the light of the image. Introduction
Abstract 732 | texto (Español) Downloads 540 | DOI
Page presentación
On authors, witnesses and defendants. Routes of building images as proof in the photographs of the Indigenous Massacre of Napalpí
Abstract 799 | texto (Español) Downloads 511 | DOI
Page papel 248
The age-impunity rhetoric in the trials for crimes committed during the Argentine genocide (1975-1983)
Abstract 673 | texto (Español) Downloads 451 | DOI
Page papel 249
The Victimizer as Subject of Pain. The Figurability of the Perpetrator in the Chilean Documentary Film “El Mocito” (2011)
Abstract 766 | texto (Español) Downloads 552 | DOI
Page papel 250
You Will Recognize Them by Their Fruits. Perpetrator documents and victim voices in Portraits of Identification (Anita Leandro, 2014)
Abstract 613 | texto (Español) Downloads 450 | DOI
Page papel 251
The perpetrator in Brazilian cinema: genealogy of a character (1979-2007)
Abstract 791 | texto (Español) Downloads 466 | DOI
Page papel 252
Testament to a dream
Abstract 516 | texto (Español) Downloads 459 | DOI
Page papel 253
Research Articles
The Journey to the Crisis of Industrial Identity
Abstract 761 | texto (Español) Downloads 409 | DOI
Page papel 254
From guerrilla member to victim; from heroes to perpetrators: Movements and relations of the Colombian armed conflict and the practice of forensic identification
Abstract 877 | texto (Español) Downloads 578 | DOI
Page papel 255
Inherited Identity
Intersectionality, Identity, and the Riddle of Class
Abstract 1357 | texto (Español) Downloads 808 | DOI
Page heredada 3
Identity and lifestyle
Abstract 1805 | texto (Español) Downloads 609 | DOI
Page heredada 4
Critical papers
Feld, Claudia, y Salvi, Valentina (2019). Las Voces de la represión. Declaraciones de perpetradores de la dictadura argentina. Buenos Aires: Ed. Miño & Davila
Abstract 578 | texto (Español) Downloads 444 | DOI
Page papel crítico 76
Ferrer, Anacleto, y Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente (Eds.) (2019). El infierno de los perpetradores. Imágenes, relatos y conceptos. Barcelona: Bellaterra
Abstract 520 | texto (Español) Downloads 405 | DOI
Page papel crítico 77
Carracedo, Almudena, y Bahar, Robert (2018). El silencio de otros. Pelicula
Abstract 589 | texto (Español) Downloads 509 | DOI
Page papel crítico 78
Montealegre Alegría, Natalia (2019). El Cóndor Pasa. Sobre genocidios y metamorfosis. Montevideo: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República
Abstract 566 | texto (Español) Downloads 401 | DOI
Page papel crítico 79
Domínguez Rubio, Fernando (2020). Still Life: Ecologies of the Modern Imagination at the Art Museum. Chicago: Chicago University Press
Abstract 583 | texto (Español) Downloads 390
Page papel crítico 80