Papeles del CEIC 2023-2. Septiembre

Special issue coordinated by Denis Merklen on "The House as a Nest" with texts by Da Matta, Merklen, Semán, Girola, Gatti and Imaz, Aguiar, Montealegre and Rossal, and Sotomayor. Research articles includes a text by Fraga. The section Inherited Identity is fed in this issue by the works of Martín Palomo and Paperman, and Funes. The Critical Papers section completes the issue with two texts by Robles Elong, and Raoul around the monograph, and two additional ones by Santamaría, and Francescutti.

Published: 30-10-2023


The House as a Nest. Presentation

Denis Merklen
Abstract 269 | texto (Español) Downloads 436 | DOI

Page presentación


Presentation of "Space. House, Street and other World: the Case of Brazil", by Roberto Da Matta

Ana Doldán, Julia Donley, Harol Gonzalez Duque, Denis Merklen, Maiwenn Raoul
Abstract 96 | texto (Español) Downloads 336 | DOI

Single Topic Issues

Research Articles

Inherited Identity

Care and Identity

María Teresa Martín Palomo, Patricia Paperman
Abstract 140 | texto (Español) Downloads 357 | DOI

Page heredada 11

Critical papers