Papeles del CEIC 2022-2. Septiembre

Monographic issue coordinated by Fernando Bayón and María Pilar Rodríguez on "Migrants and Refugees. Sociopolitical and visual approaches in contemporary documentary" with texts by Ballesteros; Binimelis-Adell and Fernández Labayen; Coury; Vicente-Torrado, la Spina and Urrutia; Maiztegui, Esesumaga and Gandarias; Marcos and Castro de Castro; and Gutiérrez. In the Artículos de investigación section texts by Moreno, and by Beriain and Gil-Gimeno are included. And the Identidad heredada section is fed in this issue with works by Rodríguez Fouz and Meloni. The issue includes three Papeles críticos.

Published: 28-09-2022


Displaced identities through documentary images: Approaches in the European context

Fernando Bayón, María Pilar Rodríguez
Abstract 259 | texto (Español) Downloads 517 | DOI

Page presentación

Single Topic Issues

Reception and integration of refugees. A perspective from documentaries

Trinidad Lourdes Vicente Torrado, Encarnación La Spina, Gorka Urrutia Asua
Abstract 255 | texto (Español) Downloads 461 | DOI

Page papel 268

Creating stories about migration processes from collaborative art practices: the experience of four women artists

Concepcion Maiztegui-Oñate, Eztizen Esesumaga Salsidua, Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea
Abstract 261 | texto (Español) Downloads 489 | DOI

Page papel 269

Research Articles

Inherited Identity

Critical papers


Fernando Bayón
Abstract 177 | texto (Español) Downloads 453 | DOI

Page papel crítico 88