Research-creation in performing arts A critique of the transmitting paradigm
Performative research is a form of research through artistic practice that, in the case of the performing arts, guides processes of creation and production of discourse with special relevance for the formation and dissemination of knowledge. In the absence of explicit theories, the teaching tradition relied on the transmission of knowledge in the framework of these artistic disciplines through the use of poetics and ways of doing drawn from a canonical repertoire of works endorsed and legitimized by historiography, specialized critics or public appreciation. However, in the same way that the repertoire is the result of a socio-cultural arbitrariness that identifies and privileges certain artistic objects according to variable criteria in different contexts and historical periods, the communicative model on which the pedagogy of these artistic objects was based lacked a critical theory of education that would provide students with the necessary competencies and tools for the autonomous construction of knowledge and artistic practice.
How to Cite
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