Educate children through traditional games and toys: outdoor pedagogical experiences
In present day society, traditional games and toys deserve to be considered an important part of our cultural heritage, which must be protected and valued in order to bequeathed to future generations. The aim of this project is to research the opportunities of games and traditional toys to promote the socialization and integral development of childhood. Thus, we are responsible for emphasizing the commitment that society has to promulgate so many games and toys that, historically, have been employed to educate the youngest children of society. Being our focus of attention to demonstrating that one and the other are still necessary and beneficial for children, we have designed, implemented and evaluated a traditional, open air gymkhana with which it has been tried to determine that traditional games and toys as an historic educational heritage, has an enormous instructive potential to educate the current childhood. The results of this work, which are based on a broader research linked to an end-of-degree project of the degree in Early Childhood Education, allow us to reach the conclusion that a look at the ludic world of yesterday helps us to build the future of our society from the present. With this, we recognize that, in general, historic educational heritage and with it traditional games and toys, in particular, deserves special consideration in current education.
How to Cite
historical educational heritage, traditional games and toys, ludic pedagogy, childhood
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