The dissemination and interpretation of Cultural Heritage and historical-educational as a subject of study at the Center for Permanent Training of the University of Seville



Published 15-06-2010
Pablo Álvarez Domínguez


This text Collects the result of an educational experience organized by the Andalusian Pedagogical Museum and developed last May 2010 at the Permanent Training Center of the University of Se- ville, in order to promote a theoretical-practical reflection linked to the new educational and dis- semination possibilities of cultural and historical-educational heritage that can be deployed in the museum field, in order to facilitate their study, understanding and assessment.

How to Cite

Álvarez Domínguez, P. (2010). The dissemination and interpretation of Cultural Heritage and historical-educational as a subject of study at the Center for Permanent Training of the University of Seville. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (03), 98–105. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 131 | Cabas0308 (Español) Downloads 27



Pedagogical Museum, Andalusia, Dissemination, revitalization, historical heritage

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