Disruptive Life experiences and educational memories. An autobiographical account from the experiences of a boy in Brazil (1985-1998)



Published 15-12-2019
José Cícero Pinto dos Santos


This article, based on self-narrative, aims to point out the moments considered formative in my life. The use of (self) biographical narratives is defended by some authors like (Nóvoa, 1988; Josso, 2007) who believe that writing/narrating the events of our personal and professional life can lead us to find meaning in our own life trajectory and with it we can promote transformations and changes that will help us to understand ourselves and the others. This look into the past may, in some way, help us to find and understand ourselves and think today as a person who has building a personal and professional path in living with others. The meeting with a teacher who has been dedicating her life to help socially vulnerable boys and girls was a crucial moment in the student’s educational path. The student dives in his memories and (re)visits and (re)builds moments consid-ered formatives and important for his social transformation. The meeting with that teacher was the beginning of a social and educational transformation in their lives. The theoretical and methodo-logical foundations used for its constructions are based on the assumptions of qualitative research using the (self) biographical narrative method and semi-structured interviews.

How to Cite

Pinto dos Santos, J. C. . (2019). Disruptive Life experiences and educational memories. An autobiographical account from the experiences of a boy in Brazil (1985-1998). Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (22), 6–21. https://doi.org/10.35072/CABAS.2019.41.63.003 (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Autobiography, Street boys, Memories, Education, child police

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