The pedagogical journey: an account of a university experience connecting object-based learning and box activities



Published 12-06-2024
Milo Morales Sánchez


Object-based learning and box activities are pedagogical tools closely intertwined. This article explores the benefits of implementing them together, based on a specific university experience, in which students of the Primary Education degree were asked to explore both methodologies and relate them based on a specific case and didactic approach. The result of this practice is the development of a didactic suitcase and its contextualization in an interdisciplinary learning situation, which connects with the interests and realities of the students and is based on an object-based learning theoretical approach.

How to Cite

Morales Sánchez, M. (2024). The pedagogical journey: an account of a university experience connecting object-based learning and box activities. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (31), 110–124.
Abstract 40 | Cabas3106 (Español) Downloads 21



Object-based learning, Learning situation, Primary education, Teacher education, loan boxes

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