Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): Art and work
Since the image of the Bohemian artist became popularized as a free and autonomous worker, together with the concept of self-realization through work, the work of the artists has become a model for neoliberalism : a work without schedules and without bosses, where the leisure time is diluted with the working time and sleeping hours. Self-exploited Artists in a society that bases part of its economy on obtaining return from the production of intangible capital. The work of the art, on the other hand, is not beyond the financial speculation that generates great capital gains.
Art's responses to this situation are as diverse as they are paradoxical: from demanding the entrepreneurial nature of the creative sector, to reporting its precariousness, to emphasizing the artistic work, through the situationist Ne travaillez jamais. This edition of Ausart will include proposals in the field of art in their relationship with the work from the most diverse perspectives: the precariousness, the economy of the immaterial work, the working conditions in the cultural industries sector, to the right to laziness.
Published: 2019-12-30