Curatorial prototype around the concepts of territory, identity and industry Ací fem Atovons (Horta Nord, València)



Published 2021-12-27
Neus Carceller Lacruz


A globalized society based in homogenization; can lead a spatial undifferentiation; loss of place specificity and their singularity and particularity. Against this it is proposed a call for local through art. The territory concept is analyzed in this text in order to focalize its conception from a cultural dimension; looking for discover the territory power as a symbol that triggers the identity and social imaginary of its inhabitants. The purpose is to show the capacity of art as a tool of a simbolically reactivating of the territory through a curatorial proposal design for a specific spatial context: the Horta Nord region; whose landscape shows vestiges from local brick factories. This local industry; understood as a way through which people interact with their environment immediately; is shown as an element of distinction in contrast to a globalized world in pursuit of unification.

How to Cite

Carceller Lacruz, Neus. 2021. “Curatorial Prototype Around the Concepts of Territory, Identity and Industry: Ací Fem Atovons (Horta Nord, València)”. AusArt 9 (2).
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