About the Journal
ISNN: 0213-2095 e-ISNN: 2444-3565
Veleia is an annual scientific journal published by the Institute of Ancient Sciences (ICA/AZI) and the Publications Service of the UPV/EHU; it publishes unpublished works in any of the usual academic languages on Prehistory, Ancient History, Archaeology and Classical Philology. It is divided into four usual sections: Monographic Dossier, Articles, Miscellaneous and Reviews. The articles are reviewed and evaluated anonymously by two external reviewers. It also publishes the Anejos de Veleia series of monographs of interest for the study of the ancient world and its reception today.
The journal Veleia has the FECYT Quality Seal for Scientific Journals: it is indexed in REDIB and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) - Web of Science (WOS ), L'Année philologique, Linguistic Bibliography, ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for Humanities & Social Sciences); it is evaluated in CARHUS Plus+2018 (Agencia de Gestión de Ayudas Universitarias y de Investigación), it is listed in the Latindex directory and in the Dialnet website, as well as in DICE, RESH and MIAR (ICDS 2020: 10. 0). In addition, Veleia is listed as a source journal in the Impact Index of Spanish journals of Human Sciences (IN-RECH) in the Area of History, it has a category C in the Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals (CIRC).
Current Issue
"La epigrafía cívica en el Mediterráneo: cambios a la llegada de Roma"
Page 11-15
Assessing Institutional and Ideological Changes: The Transformations of dēmokratia in the Late Hellenistic and Early Imperial Periods
Page 17-31
Politics in the Aetolian Koinon at the Coming of Rome: An Epigraphical Overview
Page 33-42
The emergence of cash distributions in the civic euergetism of the Roman imperial east
Page 43-75
Change in Civic Epigraphy of Phoenicia at the Arrival of Rome: Some Preliminary Remarks on Public Documents and Their Display
Page 77-96
Honorific Epigraphy in Hellenistic Sicily: General and Particular Cases
Page 97-116
Historical and Methodological Principles for the Study of Republican Roman Onomastics in Sicily: Regarding Individual Grants of Roman Citizenship
Page 117-141
Epigraphic Novelty: Landscape in Augustan Lusitania
Page 143-163
About the Celtiberian word kortika / gortika
Page 167-183
Two new altars with Vasconic deities in Navarra/Nafarroa
Page 185-203
Inscriptions scratched on Roman tableware from Osca: the archaeological excavation of the Diputación Provincial de Huesca
Page 205-221
A colossal statue from the forum of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza)
Page 223-237
A new approach to CLE 1507
Page 239-244
A denarius of Publius Carisius found at the Rompesparteñas settlement (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia)
Page 245-255
Reseñas bibliográficas
Review to Paloma MARTÍN-ESPERANZA, Hispania Restituta. La Antigüedad clásica en el programa político y cultural de los Reyes Católicos: relaciones entre España e Italia
Page 257-260
Review to Luis ROMERO NOVELLA, El foro de Los Bañales de Uncastillo. Arquitectura y programas epigráficos, escultórico y decorativos, Serie Monografía “Los Bañales"
Page 261-262
Review to Jeffrey Easton, Municipal Freedmen and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Roman Italy
Page 263-265
Noticias del Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad
Memoria de las actividades de investigación y de formación de investigadores del Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad / Antzinaroko Zientzien Institutua (ICA/AZI)
Abstract 24 | PDF (Español) Downloads 21
Page 267-268
- No.42 (2025)
- No.41 (2024)
- No.40 (2023)
- No.39 (2022)
- No.38 (2021)
- No.37 (2020)
- No.36 (2019)
- No.35 (2018)
- No.34 (2017)
- No.33 (2016)
- No.32 (2015)
- No.31 (2014)
- No.30 (2013)
- No.29 (2012)
- No.28 (2011)
- No.27 (2010)
- No.26 (2009)
- No.24-25 (2008)
- No.23 (2006)
- No.22 (2005)
- No.21 (2004)
- No.20 (2003)
- No.18,19 (2002)
- No.17 (2000)
- No.16 (1999)
- No.15 (1998)
- No.14 (1997)
- No.13 (1996)
- No.12 (1995)
- No.11 (1994)
- No.10 (1993)
- No.8,9 (1992)
- No.7 (1990)
- No.6 (1989)
- No.5 (1988)
- No.4 (1987)
- No.2,3 (1986)
- No.1 (1984)