Training activities at the Pedagogical and Children's Museum of Castilla-La Mancha (Course 2021-22)
The National Questionnaires of 1953 were the first in the Spanish educational history at Elementary Education level; they were valid for the whole country, but compulsory only in public schools. They consisted of eight common questionnaires for boys and girls and three separate questionnaires for boys and girls, as well as one exclusively for boys and three exclusively for girls. They presented some orientations and approaches which had already been advanced by the republican normative pedagogy, as well as some innovations, from the perspective of the official Francoist pedagogy, which let us glimpse a survival of ideas from the previous educational regime which were sufficiently neutral not to arouse misgivings. As a whole, we find in them some enunciations of high interdisciplinary potential, not conceivable a priori as hypotheses in a convulsive period such as that one.
How to Cite
Elementary education, Questionnaires, Spanish educational 1st. Francoism, Spanish Francoism, Educational interdisciplinarity, History of Spanish education
[Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas]. Bibliografía pedagógica de obras publicadas en los años 1930-1935. Reseñadas por Doña Julia Ochoa y Vicente, Profesora de Escuela del Magisterio y Vicesecretaria del Instituto «San José de Calasanz» de Pedagogía. Madrid: Consejo
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