No. 32 (2024)

Published: 10-12-2024


The Evolution of Teaching Object Classification through Teaching Material Catalogues in Spain (1880-1950)

M José Martínez Ruiz-Funes, José Pedro Marín Murcia, Lucía Amorós Poveda
Abstract 179 | Cabas3202 (Español) Downloads 106 | DOI

Page 25-41

Teaching material catalogues and physics cabinets

Paulí Dávila Balsera, Luis María Naya Garmendia, Joana Miguelena Torrado
Abstract 131 | Cabas3203 (Español) Downloads 81 | DOI

Page 42-63

Homeland and Religion: the new curriculum for primary schools in the Francoist period. A study through the analysis of women's school notebooks.

Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Gabriel Parra Nieto, Beatriz Sánchez Barbero
Abstract 164 | Cabas3205 (Español) Downloads 101 | DOI

Page 87-106

School rituals in the Basque Country under Francoism.

Peio Manterola Pavo
Abstract 118 | Cabas3206 (Español) Downloads 99 | DOI

Page 107-127

The first boxes and books of lessons on things, and the implementation of intuitive teaching: don't let's ask for the moon

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, María Dolores Molina Poveda, Victoria Eugenia Álvarrez Jiménez
Abstract 96 | Cabas3207 (Español) Downloads 77 | DOI

Page 128-148

Impact of Hygienic and Pedagogical Discourses on Mexican School Architecture (1920-1940)

Jennifer Domínguez Rodríguez
Abstract 121 | Cabas3209.pdf (Español) Downloads 87 | DOI

Page 167-187

The obligation to learn to sew

Carmen Diego Pérez, Montserrat González Fernández
Abstract 97 | Cabas3210 (Español) Downloads 77 | DOI

Page 188-206

University teaching innovation and its influence on Social Museology

Estefanía Monforte García
Abstract 107 | Cabas3212 (Español) Downloads 67 | DOI

Page 224-239

The didactic laboratory of the Museu Pedagògic de Castelló

Joan Andrés Traver Martí, Mark Lapiedra Ortega , Tomás Segarra Arnau
Abstract 105 | Cabas3213 (Español) Downloads 83 | DOI

Page 240-254

The social function of University Heritage: Keys to the Seville Declaration

Cristina Yanes Cabrera, Luis Méndez Rodriguez
Abstract 95 | Cabas3214 (Español) Downloads 68 | DOI

Page 255-268

Book reviews