About the Journal

Cabás publishes research articles, bibliographic essays, museum experiences, reviews and other types of collaborations on different areas of the study, protection and dissemination of Historical-Educational Heritage.

Cabás aims to be a meeting point for scientific and/or quality research that delves into the different aspects of our educational history.

Cabás is a consolidated publication of a scientific nature, whose main objective is to disseminate the results of research, studies, works, etc. within the field of Historical-Educational Heritage.

The aim of the journal is to publish quality scientific articles that show research, studies, reflections and experiences related to the study, dissemination and enhancement of the historical-educational heritage. Cabás also aims to be a meeting place for scientific and/or quality research that delves into the different aspects of our educational history. The journal is plural, seeking to accommodate the different themes and perspectives from which historical-educational studies can be approached. We also want to make room for other contributions that are not strictly historical, but more related to heritage education and the didactic uses of this heritage.

Cabás is the organ of scientific expression of the Spanish Society for the Study of Historical-Educational Heritage, has been published, until December 2023, by the Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, Polanco of the Government of Cantabria. From 2024 it will be published by the UPV/EHU's Editorial Service in Leioa, Bizkaia, with the support of the Government of Cantabria, the Spanish Society for the Study of Historical-Educational Heritage and the UPV/EHU's Museum of Education. The journal also publishes articles and experiences from the different museums of education, pedagogical or educational history existing in Spain and other countries, with works that highlight the educational activities of these museums and the projects that are developed in them.

Open Access statement

Cabás is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, and on a non-profit basis. This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Cabas does not charge submission fees, nor does it charge fees for the publication of its articles.

Interoperability policy

The Journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published content and is available at https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/cabas/oai

Digital archiving and preservation

In addition to the usual multiple backup and versioning procedures, the content of the journal is replicated in the institutional repository of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (based on Dspace, https://duraspace.org/dspace/). In order to ensure the long-term preservation of all the journal's digital documents, which are housed in the ADDI repository (https://addi.ehu.es/handle/10810/66978), basic measures are taken to ensure their durability, such as: backups, storage on magnetic media, conversion of formats to more secure ones, checking the integrity of files to avoid corruption, migration of obsolete formats or software, and digital preservation metadata.

Current Issue

Published: 10-12-2024


New Research Leads On The Commercial Catalogue Of Educational Objects

Francesca Pizzigoni
Abstract 33 | Cabas3201 (Italiano) Downloads 23

Page 6-24

The Evolution of Teaching Object Classification through Teaching Material Catalogues in Spain (1880-1950)

M José Martínez Ruiz-Funes, José Pedro Marín Murcia, Lucía Amorós Poveda
Abstract 35 | Cabas3202 (Español) Downloads 30

Page 25-41

Teaching material catalogues and physics cabinets

Paulí Dávila Balsera, Luis María Naya Garmendia, Joana Miguelena Torrado
Abstract 41 | Cabas3203 (Español) Downloads 25

Page 42-63

Homeland and Religion: the new curriculum for primary schools in the Francoist period. A study through the analysis of women's school notebooks.

Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Gabriel Parra Nieto, Beatriz Sánchez Barbero
Abstract 51 | Cabas3205 (Español) Downloads 42

Page 87-106

School rituals in the Basque Country under Francoism.

Peio Manterola Pavo
Abstract 23 | Cabas3206 (Español) Downloads 52

Page 107-127

The first boxes and books of lessons on things, and the implementation of intuitive teaching: don't let's ask for the moon

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, María Dolores Molina Poveda, Victoria Eugenia Álvarrez Jiménez
Abstract 43 | Cabas3207 (Español) Downloads 34

Page 128-148

The large cabinet drawers of Maria Montessori: evidence of evolving thinking

Martine Gilsoul
Abstract 42 | Cabas3208 (Italiano) Downloads 46

Page 149-166

Impact of Hygienic and Pedagogical Discourses on Mexican School Architecture (1920-1940)

Jennifer Domínguez Rodríguez
Abstract 36 | Cabas3209.pdf (Español) Downloads 50

Page 167-187

The obligation to learn to sew

Carmen Diego Pérez, Montserrat González Fernández
Abstract 25 | Cabas3210 (Español) Downloads 24

Page 188-206

University teaching innovation and its influence on Social Museology

Estefanía Monforte García
Abstract 28 | Cabas3212 (Español) Downloads 22

Page 224-239

The didactic laboratory of the Museu Pedagògic de Castelló

Joan Andrés Traver Martí, Mark Lapiedra Ortega , Tomás Segarra Arnau
Abstract 38 | Cabas3213 (Español) Downloads 36

Page 240-254

The social function of University Heritage: Keys to the Seville Declaration

Cristina Yanes Cabrera, Luis Méndez Rodriguez
Abstract 18 | Cabas3214 (Español) Downloads 22

Page 255-268

Book reviews