About the Journal

Cabás publishes research articles, bibliographic essays, museum experiences, reviews and other types of collaborations on different areas of the study, protection and dissemination of Historical-Educational Heritage.

Cabás aims to be a meeting point for scientific and/or quality research that delves into the different aspects of our educational history.

Cabás is a consolidated publication of a scientific nature, whose main objective is to disseminate the results of research, studies, works, etc. within the field of Historical-Educational Heritage.

The aim of the journal is to publish quality scientific articles that show research, studies, reflections and experiences related to the study, dissemination and enhancement of the historical-educational heritage. Cabás also aims to be a meeting place for scientific and/or quality research that delves into the different aspects of our educational history. The journal is plural, seeking to accommodate the different themes and perspectives from which historical-educational studies can be approached. We also want to make room for other contributions that are not strictly historical, but more related to heritage education and the didactic uses of this heritage.

Cabás is the organ of scientific expression of the Spanish Society for the Study of Historical-Educational Heritage, has been published, until December 2023, by the Centro de Recursos, Interpretación y Estudios de la Escuela, Polanco of the Government of Cantabria. From 2024 it will be published by the UPV/EHU's Editorial Service, with the support of the Government of Cantabria, the Spanish Society for the Study of Historical-Educational Heritage and the UPV/EHU's Museum of Education. The journal also publishes articles and experiences from the different museums of education, pedagogical or educational history existing in Spain and other countries, with works that highlight the educational activities of these museums and the projects that are developed in them.

Open Access statement

Cabás is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, and on a non-profit basis. This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Cabas does not charge submission fees, nor does it charge fees for the publication of its articles.

Interoperability policy

The Journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published content and is available at https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/cabas/oai

Digital archiving and preservation

In addition to the usual multiple backup and versioning procedures, the content of the journal is replicated in the institutional repository of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (based on Dspace, https://duraspace.org/dspace/). In order to ensure the long-term preservation of all the journal's digital documents, which are housed in the ADDI repository (https://addi.ehu.es/handle/10810/66978), basic measures are taken to ensure their durability, such as: backups, storage on magnetic media, conversion of formats to more secure ones, checking the integrity of files to avoid corruption, migration of obsolete formats or software, and digital preservation metadata.

Current Issue

Published: 11-06-2024


Editorial: A New Era for Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage

Pauli Dávila Balsera, José Miguel Saiz Gómez; Luis María Naya Garmendia
Abstract 60 | Cabas3100 (Español) Downloads 20

Page 5-7


The loan boxes in formal education: a versatile resource for classroom teaching and learning

Julia Castell Villanueva, Ana Portela Frontán, Carolina Martín-Piñol
Abstract 70 | Cabas3102 (Español) Downloads 35

Page 12-31

The suitcase+lab, a resource for learning about mining

Meritxell Mañosa
Abstract 58 | Cabas3103 (Español) Downloads 15

Page 32-53

What do the boxes of the music class hide?

Anna Berent Palau
Abstract 37 | Cabas3104 (Español) Downloads 15

Page 54-71

The Time Capsule, a starting point for competence learning

Sonia Medina Salcedo, Maria Mercè Siliceo-Jauset
Abstract 70 | Cabas3105 (Español) Downloads 20

Page 72-109

A School Museum Design Proposal for Secondary Education

Toni Bautista Baños
Abstract 33 | Cabas3107 (Español) Downloads 24

Page 125-147

A Mummy in the Secotndary Classroom. Learning Prehistory and he Hypothetical-Deductive Method Through the Case of Ötzi and his Objects

Nayra Llonch-Molina, Jesús Sauret-Vidal, Clara López-Basanta
Abstract 47 | Cabas3108 (Español) Downloads 25

Page 148-171

"Una mirada al patrimoni": an Educational Action in the Museum

Santiago Ponsoda López de Atalaya, Laura Lucas Palacios
Abstract 42 | Cabas3109 (Español) Downloads 22

Page 172-185

Creation of educational resources in collaboration with formal education: the experience of the Museum of Lleida

Clara López-Basanta, Miquel Sabaté Navarro
Abstract 27 | Cabas3110 (Español) Downloads 12

Page 186-204

The museum travels to school. Traveling museum: 100 objects to make history

Laia Coma Quintana, Tania Martínez Gil, Elur Ulibarrena Herce
Abstract 33 | Cabas3111 (Español) Downloads 21

Page 205-219


The herbarium, a historical testimony and an educational tool

Marie-Anne Châteaureynaud, Marguerite Figeac Monthus, Céline Piot
Abstract 29 | Cabas3112 (Español) Downloads 21

Page 221-231


School Story

From Floppy Disks to Artificial Inteligence

José Miguel Saiz Gómez
Abstract 40 | Cabas3116 (Español) Downloads 15

Page 275-281

Photos with history

Dobres Unitary School in the winter of 1986

Roberto González González
Abstract 25 | Cabas3117 (Español) Downloads 13

Page 283-289

Historical-Educational Heritage Centres

The School of Castrillo de Valdelomar in Valderredible

Rosa Pérez Quevedo
Abstract 30 | Cabas3118 (Español) Downloads 13

Page 291-300

Book reviews