No. 29 (2023): Monográfico X Jornadas SEPHE “Nuevas miradas sobre el patrimonio histórico-educativo: audiencias, narrativas y objetos educativos”

Cabás, 29, 2023

Published: 21-06-2023


Former students: "living heritage" for the school's history

Sergi Moll Bagur, Francisca Comás Rubí
Abstract 164 | Cabas2901 (Español) Downloads 91 | DOI

Page 1-12

The presence of the rural schools in Cabás (2009-2022)

María Dolores Molina Poveda, Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco
Abstract 148 | Cabas 2902 (Español) Downloads 59 | DOI

Page 13-32

School libraries in Italy: a research hypothesis on historical-educational heritage

Susanna Barsotti, Barbara De Serio, Chiara Lepri, Ilaria Mattioni, Giordana Merlo
Abstract 130 | Cabas2903.pdf (Español) Downloads 63 Cabas2903IT.pdf (Italiano) Downloads 227 | DOI

Page 33-54

Polyhedra in Secondary Education in Spain (1955-1960): construction of mathematical models

Josefa Dólera Almaida, Dolores Carrillo Gallego, Encarna Sánchez Jiménez
Abstract 112 | Cabas2905.pdf (Español) Downloads 46 | DOI

Page 77-92

The book in the school museums

Carmen Diego Pérez, Montserrat González Fernández
Abstract 159 | Cabas 2906 (Español) Downloads 60 | DOI

Page 93-112



The Puçol School Museum: a community museum survivor in time

Rafael Martínez García, Marian Tristán Richarte
Abstract 172 | Cabas2911 (Español) Downloads 33 | DOI

Page 209-226

School Story

The school that I keep in my memory

Viky Sánchez Salces
Abstract 71 | Cabas2912 (Español) Downloads 43 | DOI

Page 227-236

Photos with history

The Gurueba school and the beginning of Compensatory Education

José Nicasio Gutiérrez Fernández
Abstract 97 | Cabas2913 (Español) Downloads 38 | DOI

Page 237-238

Historical-Educational Heritage Centres

The Salcedo school (Valderredible, Cantabria, Spain)

Javier García Hernando
Abstract 110 | Cabas2914 (Español) Downloads 32 | DOI

Page 239-246

Book reviews

La educación en España: el salto adelante, 1900-1936

José Antonio González de la Torre
Abstract 243 | Cabas2915 (Español) Downloads 46 | DOI

Page 247-256