Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Shared teaching, research and creations between art-architecture and their effects

Faced with some current disconnection between two areas that share knowledge and stories like Art and Architecture, this monograph will, from a critical position, deal with both of them in the construction of our life environment (functional and symbolic), as well as of the articulations integrated between those two disciplines to jointly think about the continuous relations and interactions between the human being and their environment (city and landscape).

Tensioned between ‘practical’ and ‘aesthetic’ natures, between immediacy and durability, or between creation and application, in modernity said relationship was a constituent axis and a turning point for every evolution of Art and Architecture. The ecological, philosophical, psychological, sociological, political, economic or scientific statements always deeply affect the ‘know how’ inherent in each area. In this sense, the question would be how, where and what, in current fast times, both disciplines could come together in new and hypothetical teaching, research or creative scenarios.

Published: 2020-12-30

Art and architecture

Iskandar Rementeria Arnaiz
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Research and creations between art-architecture to enhance the urban heritage through an educational process

Alessandra De Nicola, Maria Eugenia Garcia Sottile, Sebastián Gómez Lozano
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Criticism of the symbolic project

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Ana Arnaiz Gómez, Xabier Laka Antxustegi
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Showing, living as learning

Imanol Esperesate Azpiazu
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Choreographing the urban experience

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From urban capital to human capital

Raffaella Regina Vigiano
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Mind scaffoldings for architectural thinking

Mikel Larratxe Berazadi
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Scale is a funny problem

Vicente Alemany Sánchez-Moscoso
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[Work-in-process] + [work-in-progress]

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The voices of the periphery

Pedro José Salguero González, Juan Jesús Torres Jurado
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Lingered places

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Pass back and ahead and reception

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The Hertzian space

Natividad Navalon Blesa, David Trujillo Ruiz
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Jorge Oteiza’s Teoría de la Fluviomaquia and statuary proposal for the Guadalén dam

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The cultural construct of the maritime-port border of Santurtzi (Bizkaia)

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Urban-territorial ‘ruptures’ between city-landscape

Amaia Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga, Isusko Vivas Ziarrusta
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