No. 23 (2020)

Cabás 23, 2020

Published: 21-06-2020


Do Not Forget. Memory and schools in the construction of the Hungarian

Ana María González Alonso
Abstract 52 | Cabas2303 (Español) Downloads 15 | DOI

Page 48-81

The ludion in the early texts for educational and scientific goals

Beatriz Carrasquer Álvarez, Adrián Ponz Miranda
Abstract 63 | Cabas2306 (Español) Downloads 25 | DOI

Page 129-140

The eight normative frameworks of educational legislation Spanish (1980-2013): analysis of school management

Jesús Fernando Pérez Lorenzo, Carmen Gallego-Domínguez, Amelia Pigner Rosa
Abstract 220 | Cabas2309 (Español) Downloads 183 | DOI

Page 184-206


Photos with history

La escuela unitaria de Calseca

Teresa Martínez del Piñal
Abstract 49 | Cabas2312 (Español) Downloads 25 | DOI

Page 238-242

Historical-Educational Heritage Centres

The Andalusian Education Museum, an idea that became reality

Carmend Sanchidrián Blanco, José Antonio Mañas Valle, Manuel López Mestanza
Abstract 102 | Cabas2313 (Español) Downloads 34 | DOI

Page 243-258

Book reviews

Dionisio J. García Barredo: el legado pedagógico de un maestro innovador

José Antonio González de la Torre
Abstract 82 | Cabas2314 (Español) Downloads 17

Page 259-268