No. 26 (2021): Monográfico IX Jornadas de la SEPHE: Nuevas tendencias de docencia e investigación del patrimonio educativo

Cabás 26, 2021

Published: 21-12-2021



Revista Cabás
Abstract 46 | Cabas2601 (Español) Downloads 14 | DOI

Page 1-2


Family experiences under the francoist repression of an innovating teacher

Sara Valdivieso Bermejo, Luis Torrego Egido
Abstract 113 | Cabas2604 (Español) Downloads 56 | DOI

Page 57-76

Manual work: manifestations and samples of school culture in primary education

Cirila Cervera Delgado, Mireya Martí Reyes
Abstract 206 | Cabas2605 (Español) Downloads 101 | DOI

Page 77-92

Cabás journal and the sedhe as tools for the dissemination of the knowledge about history of education

José Luis Hernández Huerta, Andrés Payà Rico, Roser Grau Vidal
Abstract 85 | Cabas2608 (Español) Downloads 31 | DOI

Page 139-152

Presence of pedagogical museums at ISCHE conferences, 2014-2021

Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, María Dolores Molina Poveda
Abstract 94 | Cabas2609 (Español) Downloads 27 | DOI

Page 153-166

The heritage of the historical high school Maestro Juan de Ávila

Beatriz Crespo Alises, Mª Inmaculada Iglesias Lorenzo
Abstract 71 | Cabas2611 (Español) Downloads 51 | DOI

Page 185-200

Pedagogical innovation in and from school: “Grupo Marmenor”

J. Damián López Martínez
Abstract 115 | Cabas2612 (Español) Downloads 32 | DOI

Page 201-222

The Villar Palasí Law seen by pupils from a rural school: curriculum and didactic materials

Erika González García, Bárbara de las Heras Monasterio
Abstract 160 | Cabas2613 (Español) Downloads 91 | DOI

Page 223-234

The future exhibition area on scientific heritage of the Museo Andaluz de la Educación

José Antonio Mañas Valle, Manuel López Mestanza
Abstract 86 | Cabas2614 (Español) Downloads 34 | DOI

Page 235-248

Work on the evolution of early Childhood and primary education from the experience of its leading

Xavier Motilla Salas, Llorenç Gelabert Gual, Sara González Gómez, Avelina Miquel Lara
Abstract 98 | Cabas2615 (Español) Downloads 49 | DOI

Page 249-262

An education research project for students of El Atabal high school in Málaga

Carlos San Millán y Gallarín
Abstract 763 | Cabas2616 (Español) Downloads 286 | DOI

Page 263-276

History, heritage and cinema: a virtual proposal for museums of education

Andra Santiesteban, Jaime del Rey Tapia
Abstract 134 | Cabas2617 (Español) Downloads 47 | DOI

Page 277-292


School Story

Philosophy in La Magdalena, 1966-1969

José Antonio Ricondo Torre
Abstract 79 | Cabas2619 (Español) Downloads 24 | DOI

Page 309-336

Photos with history

From "Villa Junco" to "Villajunco"

José Ramón García-Bustelo Pellón
Abstract 75 | Cabas2620 (Español) Downloads 57 | DOI

Page 337-340

Historical-Educational Heritage Centres

Museum of the Santa Catarina School: a virtual tour, archives, collections and conserved spaces

Sandra Makowiecky, Beatriz Goudard
Abstract 104 | Cabas2621 (Español) Downloads 30 Cabas2621PT (Español) Downloads 27 | DOI

Page 341-366

Book reviews