Ariadna Histórica responds to the growing interest recently evident in the Spanish/Portuguese speaking world with regard to approaches focused upon the analysis of the social uses of language by the agents of the past. The journal will devote special attention to historic ...
Revista anual editada por la Universidad del País Vasco y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, dirigida a arqueólogos, historiadores, historiadores de la arquitectura y del arte, restauradores, arquitectos y profesionales relacionados con el patrimonio edificado ...
The Ars Bilduma journal (ISSN 1989-9262) is an annual electronic open-access journal that originated at the heart the Humanities Faculty's History of Art and Music Department (Vitoria-Gasteiz) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 2009. The journal is sponsored b ...
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo" (ASJU) is an international peer-reviewed journal of Basque linguistics and philology founded in 1954 by Luis Michelena and Manuel Agud, and published by the "Julio de Urquijo" Seminar of Basque Philology (JUMI) and the ...
The AusArt research journal aims to be a benchmark in research production in contemporary art, as a central place in the analysis of our culture. It is born with a multidisciplinary perspective where theoretical production and creative processes converge, with special emphasis on ...
The Bidebarrieta journal was founded in 1996 to publish research on history and social sciences, about Bilbao and its metropolitan area. The journal submits the originals to a peer review. It is currently categorized by ANEP ( in the range B). The articles are included in t ...
Cabás publishes research articles, bibliographic essays, museum experiences, reviews and other types of collaborations on different areas of the study, protection and dissemination of Historical-Educational Heritage.
Cabás aims to be a meeting point for scientific and/or qualit ...
Clio & Crimen sirve de cauce de expresión para la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas por especialistas en el ámbito de la historia de la criminalidad (delitos, delincuentes, víctimas...), del control social formal e informal y del sistema penal (administración de ...
La Cátedra de Estudios Internacionales forma parte de la estructura organizativa de la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Fue creada el 1 de abril de 2004 tras la firma de un Convenio entre la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea y la ...
Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is a six- monthly publication dedicated to academic papers on Business Economics, theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles. It was founded in 1985 by the Institute of Applied Business Economics at the University of The Basque Count ...
Project Management and the related research and education activities are living an exciting period of evolution. The objective of this journal is to offer a discussion forum for innovative ideas applicable to Project Management, with a special focus on Dynamic Management of proje ...
Zientzia Kriminologikoen Aldizkari Elektronikoa / Revista electrónica de Ciencias Criminológicas
Fundada por Antonio Beristain Ipiña, el primer número de la revista "Eguzkilore.Cuaderno del Instituto Vasco de Criminología" se publicó en octubre de 1976, pero es a partir de ...
The dissemination of science and technology in the Basque Country has had many problems, since the Basque Country itself was not adapted to the technical level. Fortunately, a great deal of work has been done in recent years, and nowadays many university subjects have been taught ...
La revista Ciencias de Enfermería/Nursing Science nace con la vocación de ser una herramienta de divulgación y comunicación científica en todas las especialidades enfermeras, proporcionado por las investigaciones científicas. Así mismo, esta revista pretende ser un lugar ...
Fabrikart. Arte, Tecnología, Industria, Sociedad es una publicación interdisciplinar de carácter anual que aglutina ideas, conceptos e iconografía de los campos industrial, mecanicista, tecnológico y espacial en relación con las Artes Plásticas.Fabrikart pretende dar a c ...
GIZAEKOA – Revista Vasca de Economía Social es una publicación de carácter principalmente científico, que nació en 2004 de la mano del Instituto de Derecho Cooperativo y Economía Social - GEZKI - de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), ...
gogoa is the journal of the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), with two issues per year, entirely written in Basque. gogoa inherits the multi-disciplinarity nature of ILCLI, promoting research on ...
Guineana is a serial publication for the diffusion o Botany in which each issue is devoted to a lengthy monografic work. The journal's scope comprises the systematic, taxonomia, floristic and ecology of all plants groups: algae, funji, briyophites and bascular plants.
Quarterly publication with numbers in February, June and October. It was founded in 1988 by the Department of Contemporary History (UPV-EHU) , and has been directed by José Mª Beascoechea since 2018. It has been directed by Eduardo J. Alonso Olea since 2025.
Cuadernos de Trabajo/Lan-Koadernoak Hegoa is a journal devoted to development studies from an inter- and multi-disciplinary viewpoint. Published since 1989 by Hegoa, the University of the Basque Country’s Institute of International Cooperation and Development Studies, it publis ...
The International E-Journal of Criminal Sciences (INECS) is directed toward individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the study of crime. Contributions on theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of delinquency, inequalities and social relations ...
InpAkta, Inpaktu Sozialerako Ikerlanen Acta – Journal of Research for Social Impact is a multidisciplinary journal of all fields of knowledge that publishes high-quality research works, with a social impact both globally and in the Basque community. Given the nature of these wo ...
Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas vinculada a la FEDHAV (Fundación para el Estudio del Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia), editada, a partir del número 20 de 2023, por el Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) en Bizkaia , que tiene como finalida ...
LAN HARREMANAK - Revista de Relaciones Laborales is a journal published by the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work (Bizkaia Campus) of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU PRESS), which has been published since 1999 (on paper and, fr ...
This journal is run by the Medicine Students Association (AEM/MIB), with the help of the Medicine and Odontology Students Council, and Nursing, in order to attract students to the world of investigation and the running way of scientific publication. Directed to undergraduated or ...
Annual publication launched in the year 2008, associated with the Faculty of Arts and under the direction of the same centre's Dean, Fernando García Murga. This magazine is the vehicle of expression for the collective of professors/lecturers who teach languages, literature and c ...
Papeles de Identidad. Contar la investigación de frontera is the journal edited by the research group Kontu Laborategia. Papeles de Identidad pursues three objectives: 1. to become a space of reference for the academic expression of theoretical and methodological proposals at th ...
Six-monthly journal for teachers and researchers, published since 1996, founded and directed by Alfredo Goñi Grandmontagne for twelve years. The journal was first published on-line in 2010.Over recent years it has gradually increased its impact factor in various databases, bo ...
La Revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales de San Sebastián comenzó su andadura en 1994, es una publicación científica bilingüe que pretende acercar a los profesionales del mundo empresarial, las investigaciones que en el campo de la Dirección de Empre ...
AIMS AND SCOPEThe "Revista de Derecho y Genoma Humano. Genética, Biotecnología y Medicina Avanzada / Law and the Human Genome Review. Genetics, Biotechnology and Advanced Medicine" publishes works by qualified specialists from national and foreign research centres and professi ...
Tantak is a specialized Basque journal published every six months in paper and electronic format thanks to the support of the UPV/EHU. It is especially dedicated to educators at all levels of education, as well as to students of educational degrees and postgraduate degrees. In ad ...
THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science is a non-profit editorial venture. It is a diamond open-access journal accepting original papers in any area of analytic philosophy (including, but not limited to, history and philosophy of science, ...
Veleia is an annual scientific journal published by the Institute of Ancient Sciences (ICA/AZI) and the Publications Service of the UPV/EHU; it publishes unpublished works in any of the usual academic languages on Prehist ...
ZER is a six-monthly journal published by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of the Basque Country/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. It publishes scientific articles in Spanish, Basque and English in the area of communication after external double-bl ...
Aldizkariaren helburua hau da:Zuzenbideko graduan aritzeko eta zuzenbidea ikasteko erabiltzen diren ikasmaterialak argitaratzea. Eta hala, bertan argitaratzen dira zuzenbideko irakasgai desberdinetako ikasgaiak, kasu praktikoen azterketak, irakaskuntza berrikuntzarako gidabideak, ...